Bloom Bar Magic: How to Create a DIY Flower Bouquet Bar at your Next Event

Picture it: your guests show up to a fabulous party you are hosting, maybe it’s a baby shower for your sister, or a bridal shower for your bff…everyone is wearing a smile and excited to celebrate with you and the guest of honor!
You picked out the perfect menu and personally selected a series of songs that will put your guests in a festive mood. You even opted for the special linens, a classy touch the guest of honor will recognize and appreciate.
But what about the entertainment?
Your brain is probably playing a screeching sound now, but we have the solution that will entertain and delight your guests, and it doesn’t involve wrapping someone in toilet paper or pinning a fake tail to anything!

Flower Bouquet Bars are the hot new experience, showing up at birthday parties and showers all over the US! They add ambience to the setting, visually enticing your guests with an array of colors and textures, and then surprising them with a take-home gift that isn’t pastel mints or candy-coated almonds. Your guests will LOVE YOU and you’ll be labeled, “The One You Want to Host Your Event” for months to come!
With a little thoughtful preparation, some cool accessories and a Bouquet Bar DIY Flower Kit from Fifty Flowers, you can impress your guests in style! Here’s how:
- Decide on a theme for your party. Let’s pretend you’re hosting a baby shower and you want to incorporate the Bridgerton TV series as the vibe.
- Choose two to five colors that express your theme. For our Bridgerton example, dusty blue, blush, vintage pink, creamy white and sage green will work great!
- Make the guest list to determine the headcount so you can plan how many flowers to purchase.

You’ll need a few things to ensure the success of your flower bouquet bar. Here’s a list:
- Containers, preferably water-tight, to display your fresh cut flowers are a necessity.
- A small vase with water is ideal, or kraft paper/waxed tissue paper for wrapping the flowers. And remember the ribbon to tie around the bouquet!
- Tables to display the containers of flowers on.
- Signage to explain what the experience is and to guide your guests through it, including labels for the flowers.
- Fresh flowers of course! For our Bridgerton example, I love our Sugar Plum Bouquet Bar Flower Kit for it’s shades of pink and a hint of blue.

It’s the day of your party, hurray! The flowers have arrived, and you’ve already cared for them and placed them in the display containers. Now it’s time to set up!
- Set the containers with the flowers on the designated tables.
o Create one straight line of containers, or place the tallest flowers in the back and the shorter flowers in the front. This creates interest and makes it easier for your guests to see their choices.
- Place the signage out; your flower bouquet bar sign to identify the experience and signs to recognize the flowers are a must.
- A flower care instruction sheet is super valuable to your guests, and we’ve created one for you! Just print page eight of our Bouquet Bar How-To Guide and give to your guests to take home.
Want more tips and a complete how-to guide for a bouquet bar? CLICK HERE to get your free copy!
PICTURE CREDIT: Heather Waits and Bloomtastic Florist