Romantic Rustic Indian Fusion Wedding

The theme of our July family wedding was rustic chic combined with Indian fusion. The bride, Preenaa, wanted to include elements of a traditional Indian wedding and mix that with a ceremony at a picturesque Pennsylvania winery with the reception in the enormous barn that is on the grounds. The result was a very personalized event that was unique and beautiful.

When I found out that my son was planning to get married, I immediately wanted to help with the decor and flowers since I love DIY projects. I was very nervous about being responsible for all the flowers for such a huge event and about ordering live flowers online. Everything went incredibly smoothly though. The flowers were all beautiful and everything really came together to go with the bride's vision for the day. I had a great time planning the colors and making flower selections. The bride shared a lot of photo ideas to tell me what she was looking for, and we worked together to find the kinds of flowers she would like. Preenaa loves the color pink and the look of romantic roses. Our garden-style arrangements featured huge Mayra roses and other mixed roses and florals that were harmonious with the soft rose-gold worn by the bridesmaids.

I had some strategies like a flower spreadsheet and directions for how many flowers went in each project so the rest of the family and wedding party could help put everything together. We bought some de-thorning tools and I made sure to have other people who planned to be at the house on the day the flowers arrived. I would not recommend undertaking a large task like this without help from others. Planning is really critical to the success of a large project like this. We actually had a great time working with the flowers. Preenaa's family helped with many aspects, and my sister and mom helped tremendously as well.

The flowers were honestly beautiful and in great shape when they arrived. I just followed the directions from fiftyflowers and we had no problems at all. One of the most beautiful projects we were able to do were the traditional Indian garlands. The bride's mom and aunt used some of the Mayra roses and some of the antique lavender roses to make stunning garlands that were exchanged by the bride and groom during the ceremony.

All of the flowers in the photos were arranged by us and I couldn't be happier with the results. We even made corsages with pearl bracelets. These were a little tricky, so I would recommend practicing ahead of time for everything you plan to do.

Overall, I am thrilled that we ordered flowers from fiftyflowers and did them ourselves. We were able to make the flowers exactly how we wanted them and the price was very reasonable. Even though I had no real experience with fresh flowers, We were able to come out with beautiful results.

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