Incredibly impressed by the quality of the roses and the service I received by the staff at Fifty Flowers. I ordered 200 stems- 150 in dark orange and 50 in white. I had my order for delivery on Thursday for a Saturday event. Immediately, I received a call and an email asking if I would like to switch to a Wednesday delivery to guarantee a proper bloom of my roses for my wedding. I was able to rearrange my schedule and change the delivery to a Wednesday.

When the roses arrived from Ecuador, and I received texts, calls and emails alerting me to their shipment and progress along the way. It was not excessive communication at all, just the right amount for any bride. When my roses arrived, I was 50 short on the dark orange. No worries. Made a call and problem fixed. The staff shipped overnight not 50 but 100 stems for delivery early the next morning. Those roses were perfect too.

My florist was so impressed with the quality of the roses and the fantastic price. She told me that the garden variety I received normally cost 7 dollars a stem!! I got them for a dollar!! I didn't know I would get some garden roses, I just picked bulk and got what I got. I was so happy. I've been telling everyone about this site.

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